"Dear Doctor (and if you really are, we also ask for double the damages).
Following the law of the diriT, humanly recognized in the World tuTto, of withdrawal, which allows the return of unwelcome thing because it is objectively malfunctioning, this missive wishes to ask for the replacement in toto and without reservation of any kind of the co-called year 2020.
Delivered in a casing similar to the previous ones without any traces of ingAnno that would suggest and suspect any kind of flaw. but. But. BUT. After opening, after celebrating the start and giving it an unparalleled welcome, the so-called 2020 turned out to be an inFesting little magic bean.
Therefore, without turning around, we deem it corRect to return it, even with the original packaging. This 2020...you keep it. This whim of hers to do something different...was not requested...and especially not liked at all. One wonders a little bit about Everyone... but what did she come up with...?
Dear Doctor ... of this idea is so many people ... so, we send you this letter hoping for your response. And, giving the benefit of the doubt, in case it is not really yours to take responsibility...we ask you not to be Italian. Point us to the name of the person responsible and, indeed, take it upon yourself to get this request. It is not possible that in this country we all pass responsibility a little from hand to hand (without having used gel) and then in the end the times decay, the candles run out. The compLeanni remain. To us.
Sincerely. Indeed. We only do saLutes. We enclose the distinguished ones in response to your reply.
Omitting the rest of the pensieRs, we await yours."
These words introduce the Reso2020 campaign created by the art collective PXLs, whose founder is the Milanese artist Blu. One needs to fill out on the appropriate website www.reso2020.com a request form to “make back” last year, 2020, marked by the pandemic, just as one usually does with online purchases that do not go well. The forms filled out by users on the site will be used by the artist to create digital posters, visible in augmented reality, by framing the return posters posted on the streets of Milan and its surroundings with their cell phones or devices thanks to the Aria app. The return poster will become a collective digital painting and will be printed in 297 copies in a limited run in letterpress with movable type and exhibited in art galleries.
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Let's give back 2020 with the right of withdrawal: a Milanese art collective's campaign |
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