Giant pandas ravage cities. The pandemic seen by Blue takes the form of ... pandas

For Draw the Line 2020, street artist Blu depicted the pandemic in the form of giant pandas ravaging buildings.

Blu ’s latest street art work has to do with the pandemic that has affected the entire world in recent months and still today. However, the famous street artist did not depict the pandemic with the virus whose appearance we have come to know, but rather in animal form. The protagonists of the scenes in Pandemic, this is the chosen title, are in fact giant fierce pandas that pounce on the buildings and architecture of cities, destroying them and causing a marked transformation of the urban landscape.

Blu, who is originally from the Marche region of Italy, made this large “pandemic” mural at the Draw the Line festival in Campobasso, organized by theMalatesta Association, which has been involved in urban art for years. The original work appeared on the walls of the Alphaville cinema in the former Onmi area.

The invasion of pandas is probably intended to lead to reflection on humanity’s disrespect for nature. And the animals therefore rebel, taking advantage of people’s forced closure in their homes.

Significantly, the contrast between the peaceful appearance of the clumsy pandas, generally considered to be among the most friendly and loving animals in the world, and the act of destruction that Blu illustrated in his large urban work.

Giant pandas ravage cities. The pandemic seen by Blue takes the form of ... pandas
Giant pandas ravage cities. The pandemic seen by Blue takes the form of ... pandas

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