A portrait by Tintoretto will be exhibited in New York at the end of October

An important painting by Tintoretto will be exhibited at the third edition of TEFAF New York Fall. It is the portrait of Cardinal Marcantonio Da Mula.

A portrait created by Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti, Venice, 1518 - 1594) will be exhibited at the third edition of TEFAF New York Fall, which will be held October 27-31, 2018 at the Park Avenue Armory. It is Portrait of Cardinal Marcantonio Da Mula, an oil on canvas (187 x 103 cm) dating from around 1562 to 1563. The painting depicts, precisely, Cardinal Marcantonio Da Mula, who arrived in Rome in 1560 as ambassador of the Republic of St. Mark to the Holy See and was later elected cardinal by Pius IV in 1561, at the age of fifty-five. Cardinal Da Mula was a man of culture, having studied classical culture, Greek and Latin, philosophy, and law in Venice, and then obtained the title of doctor in artibus in Padua.

This is an exceptional work within the artist’s production: for the choice of the cut, for the virtuosity, for the subject (the cardinal was in fact one of the protagonists of the Council of Trent).

Recall that Tintoretto is featured in the exhibition "Tintoretto 1519 - 1594," running at the Doge’s Palace in Venice until January 6, 2019( newshere ).
To learn about TEFAF New York Fall, here is the link to the official website.

Pictured: Tintoretto, Portrait of Cardinal Marcantonio Da Mula (c. 1562-1563; oil on canvas, 187 x 103 cm)

A portrait by Tintoretto will be exhibited in New York at the end of October
A portrait by Tintoretto will be exhibited in New York at the end of October

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