Turkey, important dancing muse statue discovered in Stratonicea

Major archaeological discovery in Turkey, at the site of the ancient city of Stratonicea: a statue of a dancing muse has been found that is thought to be the Hellenistic original of a work known only from Roman-era copies.

Important archaeological discovery in Turkey, at the site of the ancient city of Stratonicea in western Anatolia, near the modern city of MuÄŸla. In fact, a sculpture depicting a Dancing Muse has been found, which, according to a note from Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, is said to be theHellenistic-era original of a work known from Roman copies.

The Dancing Muse is part of a cycle depicting all the muses, the nine presiding deities of the arts, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, attributed to Philiscus of Rhodes, one of the most famous sculptors of the second century BCE. The find, according to Turkish archaeologists, would also prove that Philiscus worked in Stratonyx. Of the muse, found at the site of the frigidarium of the Roman baths of Stratonicea, only the body was found: in fact, the head and arms were not found. The sculpture, the Turkish ministry announced, will be displayed at the MuÄŸla Museum after being cleaned and studied. At present, it is not known why Turkish archaeologists are led to believe that the work, despite being found in a Roman-era context, is the Hellenistic original.

The Dancing Muse of Stratonicea The Dancing
Muse of Stratonicea
The Dancing Muse of Stratonicea The Dancing Muse of
The Dancing Muse of Stratonicea The Dancing
Muse of Stratonicea

Turkey, important dancing muse statue discovered in Stratonicea
Turkey, important dancing muse statue discovered in Stratonicea

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