Selinunte much larger than previously thought: monumental gate and sections of ancient fortified walls emerge

A monumental gateway and sections of the ancient fortified walls emerge in the Selinunte Srcheological Park. The map of ancient Selinunte is redefined, revealing a much larger extent of the city than previously thought.

Important archaeological discover ies are emerging from Selinunte Park: a monumental gateway and sections of the ancient fortified walls that bordered the archaic city to the north have come to light. Thanks to these new findings, the map of ancient Selinunte is being redefined, revealing amuch larger extent of the city than previously assumed. In fact, the excavations have shifted the urban limit prior to its destruction by the Carthaginians in 409 B.C. by about 300 meters further north, confirming its relevance and prestigious position among the centers of Greek culture in the Mediterranean.

This excavation campaign was conducted by the young archaeologists of Archeofficina, under the scientific direction of Carlo Zoppi of the University of Eastern Piedmont. “We overcame the Park’s fences that date back 30 years and found the walls and the monumental gate,” explains Selinunte Archaeological Park director Felice Crescente. “Of these excavations, the method will remain: to be able to sustain the excavation campaigns, even experimenting with innovative techniques such as three-dimensional geoelectrical tomography, which allows the soil to be probed up to 4 meters.”

New discoveries at Selinunte
New discoveries at Selinunte
New findings
New discoveries

The goal is to musealize the entire area, also making it accessible to the public through a virtual reconstruction of the ancient city walls. This intervention is part of a larger enhancement project. In the context of this redevelopment, new signage and a new Park logo, created by Atelier 790, were also introduced. The graphic design revolves around the selinon (celery) leaf, a distinctive symbol of ancient Selinunte, found on a didrachma dating from 540-510 B.C. The color palette, inspired by temple decorations, has also been declined in the new merchandising line available in the Park’s bookshop.

“The Archaeological Park continues to work managing, with its own funds, to rewrite the history of Selinunte,” said Councillor Scarpinato. “The new logo, signage, tours and services tell of a vital Park, at the service of the public, which continues to attract new visitors in love with this strip of Sicily filled with history.”

Excavations at Selinunte
Excavations at Selinunte

Selinunte much larger than previously thought: monumental gate and sections of ancient fortified walls emerge
Selinunte much larger than previously thought: monumental gate and sections of ancient fortified walls emerge

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