New discovery in Pompeii: found four roundels with elegant female portraits

More surprises from the House of Leda in Pompeii: in fact, the Archaeological Park has announced the discovery of four roundels bearing as many elegant female portraits.

Still remarkable archaeological discover ies are coming from Pompeii. In recent hours, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, through its social profiles, has given news of the discovery of new paintings. In fact, during the removal phase of the soil still present in some rooms of the house of Leda and the swan, in order to reach the level of the floor, a finely frescoed room emerged, the institute reports, where four roundels with female faces of refined elegance stand out. We do not know who the women depicted are.

Anticipating the news in recent days had been archaeologist Sophie Hay, one among many professionals working in Pompeii, on her Twitter profile: in fact, the scholar had posted an image of one of the tondi, and a photograph of the wall housing it.

The house of Leda and the Swan is located in Pompeii’s Regio V: it was discovered in 2018 when a fresco with an erotic subject came to light, depicting a Leda and the swan, which then gave the house its name. The continuation of the excavation then led to the discovery of an entire room, but the surprises from the house are not over, because just the day before yesterday the Archaeological Park gave news of the discovery of thirteen terracotta figurines, which seem to refer to the myth of Cybele and Attis, discovered in the very site of the rooms of the house of Leda.

The house of Leda and the swan is characterized by decorations of the Fourth Style, the decorative scheme that spread right from Pompeii roughly after A.D. 60: decorations with floral ornaments, figures of griffins, cornucopias, cupids, animals, still lifes, images that adorn the rooms of this house and are also reflected in the newly discovered portraits, were discovered.

The newly discovered portraits The newly
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The newly discovered portraits The newly
The newly discovered portraits The newly
discovered portraits

New discovery in Pompeii: found four roundels with elegant female portraits
New discovery in Pompeii: found four roundels with elegant female portraits

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