London, Roman-era carved wooden burial bed unearthed. Possibly the first complete one to emerge in Britain

Roman artifacts, including a carved wooden burial bed, have been found six meters below modern street level in London. It appears to be the first complete example ever found in Britain

Near theHolborn Viaduct, the bridge in central London that connects Holborn with Newgate Street, archaeological excavations have revealed a number of Roman (AD 43-410) artifacts six meters below street level, including what appears to be a burial bed. Excavations at the site were conducted by MOLA(Museum of Archaeology, London).

Rare finds that have been preserved by the wet mud of the Fleet River. The burial bed found at this site is considered the first complete example ever found in Britain. Made of high-quality oak, the bed has carved feet; it was disassembled before being placed in the tomb, but may have been used to transport the individual to burial and perhaps intended as a funerary outfit for use in the afterlife.

Alongside the skeletal remains, archaeologists have found personal items including beads, a glass vial and an ornate lamp, thought to date from the very early Roman period in Britain. Other artifacts accompanying the burials include high-ranking jewelry with jade beads and amber.

“We know that the Romans buried their dead along roads outside of urban centers,” explains Heather Knight, Project Officer at MOLA. “So it was no great surprise to discover burials at this site, which during the Roman period would have been located 170 meters west of the city walls and near the main Roman road of Watling Street. However, the levels of preservation we found-and particularly the discovery of such a wide range of wooden artifacts-really astounded us.”

As the team continues excavations, post-excavation work is also beginning to preserve and thoroughly analyze the site’s finds, with the goal of uncovering new details. The excavations at this site are part of a regeneration project for the area, where an office building will be built. It is also planned to exhibit some of the archaeological finds unearthed.

London, Roman-era carved wooden burial bed unearthed. Possibly the first complete one to emerge in Britain
London, Roman-era carved wooden burial bed unearthed. Possibly the first complete one to emerge in Britain

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