Large statue of Hermes discovered in Turkey: found in fragments, it has been reassembled

In Turkey, during excavations in the ancient city of Aspendos, a few kilometers from Antalya, a large marble statue depicting Hermes was found in fragments. It has been almost entirely reassembled.

In Turkey, during excavations in the ancient city of Aspendos, a few kilometers from Antalya, a large marble statue depicting Hermes, messenger of Zeus and a Greek deity associated with commerce, was found as part of the Heritage To The Future project of Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The statue was found in fragments among the remains of a monumental fountain(nymphaion) and has been almost entirely painstakingly reassembled. Including the base, it measures 1.65 meters in height and has been dated to between the late second and early third centuries AD, during the Roman imperial period. The pose of the statue is dynamic, with the weight on the left leg and the right foot in a slightly forward position. The deity holds a coin pouch in her right hand while with her left hand she holds her caduceus and cloak. Next to her left foot is a ram that turns its gaze toward Hermes.

In addition to the statue of Hermes, archaeologists have also unearthed heads in the same area that can be associated with the figures of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, and Eros, god of love, and fragments of bodies that probably refer to Artemis and Nemesis.

The reassembled statue of Hermes. Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Anadolu Agency)
The recomposed statue of Hermes. Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Anadolu Agency)
The reassembled statue of Hermes. Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Anadolu Agency)
The reassembled statue of Hermes. Photo: Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Anadolu Agency)

Large statue of Hermes discovered in Turkey: found in fragments, it has been reassembled
Large statue of Hermes discovered in Turkey: found in fragments, it has been reassembled

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