Ferrara, sections of the medieval walls resurface in front of the Estense Castle

In Ferrara, during resurfacing work in front of the Estense Castle, sections of the city's medieval walls emerged.

In Ferrara, sections of the ancient city walls have re-emerged during resurfacing work in largo Castello, right in front of the Castello Estense, the symbol of the city. This is a portion of the medieval walls: at the moment archaeologists are carrying out cleaning, analysis and study operations, but for passers-by, the line of the masonry running along the road that runs alongside the monument is already visible in front of the Castello. The work in largo Castello began a week ago: it is an approximately 600-thousand-euro operation that will last three months and is conducted by the company Porfidi dell’Isola srl of Bonate di Sopra.

The findings will therefore expand knowledge of Ferrara’s history. “These excavation works are a unique opportunity, about 30 years after the previous geothermal works, to deepen the traces of the past,” explains Ferrara’s archaeologist in charge of protection, Chiara Guarnieri. “Never in the last decades had excavations covered such a large portion of the area located in front of the castle. This will allow us to acquire new detailed information, while respecting the timing of the construction site.”

“This is wonderful news, adding elements of historical knowledge about our city,” Mayor Alan Fabbri enthusiastically emphasizes, “and it comes on the eve of St. Michael’s Day, the date of the first, symbolic laying of the Castle stone. History ’resurfaces’ from the past and celebrates the wonder of the Castle, on its anniversary, giving us back a small glimpse of ancient Ferrara. Thanks to those who are working on the historical reconstruction. We will be happy to welcome the outcome of the surveys, also enhancing their dissemination.”

Lo scavo davanti al Castello Estense
The excavation in front of the Estense Castle
Lo scavo davanti al Castello Estense
The excavation in front of the Estense Castle
Lo scavo davanti al Castello Estense
The excavation in front of the Estense Castle
Archeologo al lavoro nello scavo di largo Castello
Archaeologist at work in the excavation in largo Castello

Ferrara, sections of the medieval walls resurface in front of the Estense Castle
Ferrara, sections of the medieval walls resurface in front of the Estense Castle

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