Excavations restart in the area of the Roman-era tripartite temple at the Sarsina site

Archaeological excavations in the area of the Roman-era tripartite temple in Sarsina (Forlì-Cesena) can resume thanks to the initial securing of the site.

Archaeological excavations in thearea of the tripartite temple from the Roman period in Sarsina (Forlì-Cesena) can resume, thanks to the initial securing of the site, carried out through an agreement between the Central Institute for ’Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture, the Department of Public Rescue and Civil Defense Fire Department - Forlì-Cesena Command, the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini, and the Municipality of Sarsina.

Operations to prepare the area, affected by hydrogeological risk, have been completed. This intervention, financed by the Central Institute for Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture, was necessary to ensure the continuation of archaeological survey activities, as well as future phases of restoration and enhancement of the site. The preparation work is part of the plan that Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano defined in agreement with Mayor Enrico Cangini on September 4, 2023, when he visited the site accompanied by Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Galeazzo Bignami, MP Alice Buonguerrieri, Director General of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape,ì Luigi La Rocca, and Superintendent for the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini Federica Gonzato.

The first phase of operations involved safeguarding the site following the principle of “minimum intervention.” The Fire Department of the Forlì-Cesena Command, under the scientific supervision of the Superintendency, stabilized the escarpments that had lesions and subsidence. They also protected the ancient structural remains and partially backfilled the archaeological site. The contracted personnel also set up a hydraulic regulation system with gutters, sumps and submersible pumps to convey rainwater into the municipal collection system.

The operations, initially estimated for 14 working days, were completed on schedule, and the effectiveness of the intervention was confirmed during the recent cloudbursts. Field investigations can now resume, entrusted to qualified archaeologists and directed by the Superintendent’s Office, which will also disseminate the new research results.

The Fire Brigade of the Forlì-Cesena Command has offered the cultural heritage not only means and equipment, but also their specific skills, developed in the ordinary activity of urgent technical rescue and in interventions during disasters, in which they often collaborate with the Ministry of Culture. In particular, the Special Operations Groups - Earthmoving, experts in opening gates, removing rubble, creating alternative roads to reach affected places, and carrying out provisional works to secure structures, facilities and historical-artistic assets, were involved.

The Sarsina site became a field for mutual training, an opportunity for integrated exercises and for consolidating good operational practices among public administrations. The various entities involved made valuable contributions: the Central Institute for Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture financed the work; the Forlì-Cesena Fire Department managed the execution of the intervention under the scientific direction of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini; and the Municipality of Sarsina, owner of the area, provided hospitality for the operators.

The operational procedures learned and shared during this operation, characterized by cooperation, speed and effectiveness, can also be applied in future situations of similar complexity.

Excavations restart in the area of the Roman-era tripartite temple at the Sarsina site
Excavations restart in the area of the Roman-era tripartite temple at the Sarsina site

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