Engravings about the ancient pharaohs of Egypt have been discovered beneath the waters of the Nile

In Egypt, between the Aswan reservoir and the High Dam, beneath the waters of the Nile, an archaeological mission has revealed inscriptions about 18th Dynasty rulers. The project aims to identify, study and protect the engravings.

In Egypt, between the Aswan reservoir and the dam, the French-Egyptian archaeological mission led by the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, represented by the Department of Submerged Antiquities, and theUniversityPaul Valéry of Montpellier, led by Dr. Chris Cracillon for the French side, revealed a series of inscriptions and miniature images of the pharaohs of Amenhotep III, Tuthmosis IV, Psammeticus II and Aprie. The work is part of a photographic archaeological survey project under the waters of the Nile to study inscriptions located between the Aswan reservoir and the High Dam, discovered in the 1960s during the campaign to save Nubia’s antiquities.

This is what the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mohamed Ismail Khaled, said, pointing out that the mission has begun its initial work in the area around the original islands of File and Konosso. He added that the inscriptions are still in a good state of preservation, which is why the mission was able to fully document the texts. On the other hand, Dr. Hisham Al-Laithi, head of the Egyptian Antiquities Preservation and Recording Branch at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, explained that the research mission used modern techniques analyzing diving, archaeological survey, photography, underwater video and photogrammetry, in addition to archaeological drawing.

Indeed, the use of modern and sophisticated technologies is aimed at identifying and documenting the inscriptions engraved on the surface of Konosso’s rocks, both underwater and partially submerged in the waters of the Nile. Director General of the General Administration of Submerged Antiquities at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Islam Selim, said the mission is currently working on producing 3-D models of the discovered inscriptions in preparation for their scientific study. The models and study of the inscriptions contributes to their protection and preservation and opens up scenarios to the possibility of discovering new inscriptions and historical information about the history of ancient Egypt, particularly the period of the 18th Dynasty, the reign of Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep III, as well as some rulers of the late era, with focus on the period of ruler Psammeticus II and Pharaoh Aprie.

The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile
The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile.
The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile
The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile
The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile
The engravings discovered under the waters of the Nile

Engravings about the ancient pharaohs of Egypt have been discovered beneath the waters of the Nile
Engravings about the ancient pharaohs of Egypt have been discovered beneath the waters of the Nile

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