Egypt, a hidden structure discovered in front of the Pyramids: the entrance to a vast archaeological area?

In Egypt, in front of the Giza Pyramids, an Egyptian-Japanese research team has made a singular discovery: a hidden structure, detected by georadar. Perhaps, scholars speculate, it is the entrance to a vast underground archaeological area.

Singular discovery in Egypt, in front of the pyramids of Giza, by a team of researchers from the Egyptian National Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics and their colleagues from Higashi Nippon and Tohoku universities in Japan. Indeed, the Egyptian and Japanese archaeologists scanned the area in front of the pyramids with technological instruments and discovered an anomalous empty area at the burial site of the royal family of King Khufu and his high-ranking officers.

The geophysical exploration, conducted using georadar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was conducted at the Western Cemetery of Giza in 2021-2023.The anomaly found, the researchers explain, is “a combination of a shallow structure connected to a deeper structure.” The shallow structure, which is L-shaped in the horizontal plane and measures ten by ten meters, was clearly imaged by GPR. It appears that this area, the researchers explain, was filled with sand, meaning that it was filled in after its construction. It may have been an entrance to the deeper structure, the scholars speculate. Its depth reaches up to two meters, measured from the ground surface. Below this structure, the ERT reveals an anomaly extending over another area of about ten by ten meters. The depth of the structure is about five to ten meters below the surface.

What structure could have caused these anomalies? According to the study, published in the scientific journal Archeological Prospection last May 4, the structure may have been a set of vertical limestone walls, or a few shafts, leading to a tomb structure. More in-depth investigations will be needed to confirm the possibility, however, because the anomalous area has no visible structures. It may, however, be the entrance to a “vast underground archaeological structure,” scholars speculate, yet to be discovered.

Pictured is the area of the discovery

Egypt, a hidden structure discovered in front of the Pyramids: the entrance to a vast archaeological area?
Egypt, a hidden structure discovered in front of the Pyramids: the entrance to a vast archaeological area?

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