Two rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci are on public display for the first time at Palazzo Braschi in Rome

The Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi is exhibiting for the first time to the public, after restoration, two recently rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci, among the leading exponents of Venetian painting in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

In the rooms of the third floor of the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, on the occasion of the exhibition The Enchantment of Beauty. Rediscovered Paintings by Sebastiano Ricci from the Enel Collection, two paintings by Venetian painter Sebastiano Ricci, belonging to Enel’s art collections, are on public display for the first time until Jan. 12, 2025. The two canvases, depicting The Triumph of Venus and Bacchus and Ariadne, were probably executed by the painter in the early 18th century, during his stay in Florence. Recently rediscovered, the two paintings underwent a restoration that highlighted the extraordinary colorist skills of the Venetian painter, whose style, inspired by Paolo Veronese but also attentive to Baroque masters such as Luca Giordano, anticipated that of the major Venetian painters of the 18th century, first and foremost Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

The exhibition is curated by Roberta Porfiri and is organized by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and Enel, which has relied on the collaboration of the Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma - Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the restoration. Zètema Progetto Cultura museum services. Admission to the exhibition is included in the museum ticket.

Notes on the artist

Born in Belluno in 1659, Sebastiano Ricci is one of the greatest exponents of Venetian painting between the end of the 17th century and the first decades of the following century. Artistically trained in Venice, he was active in numerous Italian cities, including Bologna, Milan, and Florence. In Rome, where he was first active between 1691 and 1694, he painted the fresco with the Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto in the Sala dei Paesaggi in Palazzo Colonna, the Ascension in the sacristy of the Basilica dei Santi Apostoli, and two large canvases of biblical subjects for Palazzo Taverna. A tireless traveler, Ricci worked in some of the major courts of Europe: he was in Vienna from 1701, in London between 1711 and 1716, and in Paris until 1718. He spent the last years of his life in Venice, where he died in 1734.

Two rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci are on public display for the first time at Palazzo Braschi in Rome
Two rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci are on public display for the first time at Palazzo Braschi in Rome

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