Reggio Emilia, restoration begins on Guercino's masterpiece: the Crucifix of the Ghiara

The restoration of a Guercino masterpiece, the Crucifix of the Basilica della Ghiara, begins in Reggio Emilia. The work will be displayed in the fall at the Guercino exhibition at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome.

A masterpiece by Guercino, Christ Crucified with Virgin, Mary Magdalene, John the Evangelist and St. Prospero, a majestic altarpiece preserved in the Basilica of the Ghiara in Reggio Emilia, has been removed from its location to undergo restoration in preparation for the work’s exhibition in Rome, at the Scuderie del Quirinale, on the occasion of a major exhibition dedicated to Guercino and the Ludovisi family, scheduled from Oct. 30 to Jan. 26. The exhibition, curated by Raffaella Morselli and Caterina Volpi, will close the celebrations for the fourth centenary of the papacy of Gregory XV Ludovisi, exploring the aesthetics of the period when the Ludovisi family settled in Rome.

The Municipality of Reggio Emilia-Musei Civici, in collaboration with the Fabbriceria della Ghiara and the Servi di Maria community, welcomed the request to loan the altarpiece, considering it an important opportunity to enhance the local artistic heritage.

Commissioned after Guercino was called to Rome by Pope Ludovisi, the altarpiece was made between 1624 and 1625 for the Basilica della Ghiara in Reggio Emilia. Despite an unsuccessful attempt to involve Guercino in the decoration of the basilica’s dome, the community of Reggio Emilia commissioned him for the altarpiece, recognizing his growing fame and his artistic talent developed in Rome.

In preparation for the loan, therefore, a restoration project was initiated, financed entirely by the Scuderie del Quirinale. The restoration is divided into two phases: an extraordinary anoxia treatment carried out by the company M.A.G. Ecologica, followed by a conservative restoration by Cristina Lusvardi of the Laboratorio Restauro - Conservazione opere d’arte. The intervention, which will last nearly three months, will take place entirely at the Basilica della Ghiara, under the supervision of the Soprintendenza di Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio for the metropolitan city of Bologna and the provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia and Ferrara. During the restoration, visitors to the Basilica della Ghiara will be able to admire a life-size copy of the altarpiece, created through sophisticated giga-pixel photography by photographer Carlo Vannini. A significant opportunity, then, to highlight one of Guercino’s most important masterpieces.

Guercino, Christ Crucified with Virgin, Mary Magdalene, John the Evangelist and St. Prospero (1624-1625; oil on canvas, 437 x 250 cm; Reggio Emilia, Basilica della Ghiara)
Guercino, Christ Crucified with Virgin, Mary Magdalene, John the Evangelist and Saint Prospero (1624-1625; oil on canvas, 437 x 250 cm; Reggio Emilia, Basilica della Ghiara)
The disassembly of the Guercino altarpiece
The disassembly of Guercino’s altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino’s altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino’s altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino altarpiece
The disassembly of the Guercino’s altarpiece

Reggio Emilia, restoration begins on Guercino's masterpiece: the Crucifix of the Ghiara
Reggio Emilia, restoration begins on Guercino's masterpiece: the Crucifix of the Ghiara

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