Padua, traces of destroyed 14th century frescoes identified at Palazzo della Ragione

CIBA of the University of Padua, following an investigation campaign at Palazzo della Ragione, identified traces of the 14th-century frescoes, attributed to Giotto, that were destroyed during the 1420 fire.

Important results come from a research carried out in Padua, in the Palazzo della Ragione: the CIBA - Center for Cultural Heritage of theUniversity of Padua, following a campaign of investigations on the frescoes of the Palace, has in fact found the presence of older frescoes, dating back to the time of Giotto’s commissions in Padua, hidden by the later fresco paintings visible today. The palace was initially decorated in the 14th century with a cycle attributed to Giotto that was destroyed in 1420: following this date, the great Hall was redecorated with frescoes with astrological subjects executed by Niccolò Miretto and Stefano da Ferrara, datable to a period between 1425 and 1440.

The investigations carried out on some test areas inside the Salone, through non-invasive survey and analysis techniques (multispectral imaging, structured light scanner survey, infrared thermography) confirm the presence of a rich decorative and structural palimpsest in which also traces of the 14th-century phase are surely preserved in several places and at different heights under the present pictorial surfaces.

“The outcome of this investigation,” CIBA points out, “provides a positive response to the requests for further investigation made by ICOMOS for the interim report of the 2020 candidacy about the possible presence of additional recognizable fourteenth-century elements in the Hall and opens a new chapter on the possibilities of studying and knowing one of the best-known historical buildings in Padua and most important for city life, still largely to be discovered also with the help of new technologies. The integrated approach of knowledge, such as the one put in place thanks to the collaboration between CIBA and the City of Padua, starting from the experiences of the Scrovegni Chapel up to those in the Palazzo della Ragione, constitutes a virtuous example of interaction between institutions, more desirable than ever today, for the protection and enjoyment of the historical-artistic heritage of which Padua is the custodian.”

The findings thus confirm the hypothesis that underneath the frescoes that now cover the walls of Palazzo della Ragione there are still important traces of the works created earlier and damaged by the fire that partially destroyed the building in 1420. "Direct confirmation of the existence of pictorial cycles created in the 1300s, cycles that according to historical documents were commissioned and created by Giotto and his workshop, thus emerges," stresses Culture Councilor Andrea Colasio. These findings reinforce the importance that the Palazzo della Ragione already has as a fundamental element of the artistic, historical and cultural itinerary of Padua Urbs picta and confirm how, thanks to new technologies, a new and interesting campaign of studies can be launched to learn even more about the history of our frescoes of the 1300s."

“As an Administration,” the councilor concludes, “we think that our role is not only to guard and safeguard this extraordinary heritage, but also to enhance it by promoting and supporting all those scientific and historical activities, such as this one developed with CIBA that deepen our knowledge of these works and of that historical period that is fundamental to the history of our city. As I have repeatedly mentioned, Padua was then a city considered a capital because of the political economic, but also cultural scientific and technical role it played. To know more about that special century is to know more about our history, our roots and thus our identity as a city.”

Pictured: image in the visible, infrared (IR 850 nm) and structured light scanner survey at the lion present in the east wall of the Hall. Traces of a 14th-century halo on which the lion’s head was later set are clearly visible beneath the present surface.

Padua, traces of destroyed 14th century frescoes identified at Palazzo della Ragione
Padua, traces of destroyed 14th century frescoes identified at Palazzo della Ragione

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