Jacopo Tintoretto's Deposition of Christ from Venice to Rome: on display at the Pinacoteca Capitolina

The Deposition of Christ by Jacopo Tintoretto from the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice will be on display from September 7, 2023 at the Pinacoteca of the Capitoline Museums thanks to a collaboration agreement between the Capitoline Superintendency and the Venetian museum.

From Thursday, September 7, 2023, thanks to a collaboration agreement between the Capitoline Superintendence and the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, Jacopo Tintoretto ’s Deposition of Christ will be on display in Room III, the Venetian Room, of the Capitoline Museums Pinacoteca. This is an opportunity to admire the masterpiece, which arrives momentarily for the exhibition from Venice to Rome; visitors will thus have the opportunity to understand the modernity of the Venetian artist’s pictorial language and to appreciate its evolution in the paintings of his son Domenico Tintoretto, on display in the Pinacoteca Capitolina.

Painted between about 1550 and 1560, the painting innovatively depicts the scene of Christ’s deposition from the cross: the characters are larger than natural; Mary Magdalene occupies one-third of the upper part of the painting, extending her arms in a gesture of grief as she stares at Christ’s face. The elongated bodies of Christ and the Virgin overlap in the form of a cross, and the diagonal formed by the two men on the left side finds parallelism in the diagonal of the three women on the right. It is a masterpiece of strong emotional impact.

The exhibition project is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, and is curated by Federica Papi and Claudio Parisi Presicce.

Image: Jacopo Tintoretto, Deposition of Christ from the Cross (1550-1560; canvas, 228 x 295 cm; Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia)

Jacopo Tintoretto's Deposition of Christ from Venice to Rome: on display at the Pinacoteca Capitolina
Jacopo Tintoretto's Deposition of Christ from Venice to Rome: on display at the Pinacoteca Capitolina

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