Genoa, unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto discovered. On display at Goldfinch's

Goldfinch Fine Arts' new exhibition in Genoa, May 31 to June 29, showcases some new acquisitions: most notable is an unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto, a work assigned to the hand of the great Genoese artist after careful restoration.

In Genoa, Goldfinch Fine Arts Gallery opens a new exhibition scheduled from May 31 to June 29 at the gallery’s headquarters, located in Palazzo Lazzaro and Giacomo Spinola, Via Garibaldi 8. The exhibition, titled Nuovi Argomenti: Gioacchino Assereto, Bernardo Strozzi, Orazio De Ferrari. Ten Recent Acquisitions, presents a relevant selection of artworks, including paintings and sculptures by leading Genoese masters.

Relevant is a new acquisition for the catalog of Gioacchino Assereto and in particular a splendid Sale of the Primogeniture, recently restored to remove previous interventions and allow a correct reading of the pictorial surface, from which it was possible to formulate the new attribution to the artist. Also present is an unpublished Saint Francis attributed to Bernardo Strozzi. Visitors will also find the first canvas signed by Salvatore Castiglione, brother of the better-known Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione better known as Il Grechetto, namely an Adoration of the Shepherds denoting the work of the same name executed by his brother for the church of San Luca. There is also a drawing by Pietro Fea for the fresco decoration of Palazzo Tursi, and there is also a very fine bronze plaque by Virgilio Fanelli.

The exhibition catalog includes contributions by Piero Boccardo, Franco Boggero, Gelsomina Spione, Giacomo Montanari, Tiziana Zennaro, Arabella Cifani, Camillo Manzitti, Piero Donati and Enea Abbaticchio, as well as photographs by Mauro Magliani.

The exhibition will be open to the public every Friday and Saturday with continuous hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Genoa, unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto discovered. On display at Goldfinch's
Genoa, unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto discovered. On display at Goldfinch's

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