Genoa, Orazio De Ferrari's Last Supper restored thanks to Friends of Genoa Foundation

Completed the restoration of Orazio De Ferrari's Last Supper from the Church of San Siro in Genoa, thanks to the Friends of Genoa Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

The Friends of Genoa Foundation announces, in collaboration with Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, the completion of the restoration of Orazio De Ferrari’sLast Supper, housed in the Church of San Siro in Genoa.

The restored painting, at more than 4.5 meters in height and nearly 9 meters in base, is a masterpiece of Genoese naturalism from the first half of the 17th century. Originally intended for the oratory of Santa Maria degli Angeli in 1647, the painting was later moved to the sacristy of the basilica of San Siro in 1811, when the oratory was suppressed.

Done in six months, the restoration was carried out at the Nino Silvestri Restauri workshop in Genoa. The painting was detached from the wall of the sacristy, wrapped on a large roller, transported to the laboratory and then unrolled on a large work surface to analyze the support and plan the consolidation intervention. During this phase, with the use of a hot adhesive, it was possible to recover the parts of the remodeled canvas that were detached from the original support.

Therestoration work also involved the gradual cleaning of the pictorial surface, removing the layers of organic particulates and restoring the transparency of the protective varnish. Small and medium-sized gaps were plastered and reintegrated to harmonize them with the surrounding original parts, while more extensive ones were integrated directly onto the canvas. In the final stage of the restoration, a protective varnish was applied.

To celebrate this restoration work, the Friends of Genoa Foundation has organized a Christmas concert for Friday, Dec. 15, at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature the Choir of White Voices of Genoa’s Carlo Felice Theater, conducted by Gino Tanasini, accompanied on piano by Enrico Grillotti, and with the special participation of Genoese soprano Sara Cappellini Maggiore, accompanied on organ by Daniele Ferrari.

Genoa, Orazio De Ferrari's Last Supper restored thanks to Friends of Genoa Foundation
Genoa, Orazio De Ferrari's Last Supper restored thanks to Friends of Genoa Foundation

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