An unpublished work by Willem van Herp recognized at the Museum of the Collegiate Church of Castiglione Olona

The Museum of the Collegiate Church in Castiglione Olona (Varese) presents a work recognized as an unpublished work by Flemish artist Willem van Herp: the discovery after careful restoration.

Important discovery at the Museo della Collegiata in Castiglione Olona (Varese): in fact, the institute presents in an exhibition, from Feb. 24 to May 1, a Flemish painting that has only recently been recognized as the work of Willem van Herp (Antwerp 1614 - 1677). It is an oil on copper (cm. 86x68) depicting the Resurrection of Christ: it is a painting of remarkable quality, previously exhibited in the museum but previously ignored by scholars, which will be shown to all in a fully legible guise, thanks to the recently completed restoration, and accompanied by a new contribution of knowledge.

The attribution to Willem van Herp, a painter as talented as he is little known, was formulated by Laura Marazzi, thanks to the abbreviated signature on the back and stylistic analysis of the painting. The new attribution was bolstered by the interlocution established with the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie) in The Hague, which was thus able to include the Collegiate work in its immense online database, available to scholars worldwide.

The model for Van Herp’s Resurrection is Antoon van Dyck’s Resurrection of Christ, currently in Hartford, Connecticut, at Wadsworth Atheneum Collection. Van Herp’s copy has a few more elements, including the heads of cherubs in the sky and a soldier on the left. Van Dyck is believed to have made his Resurrectionshortly after 1630 in Antwerp, the city where Willem van Herp spent his entire life and from where he exported many works to various European countries, especially Spain and Britain, often preferring the copper medium because of its easy portability. Copper also enhances the brilliance of colors, as shown in the bright whites and bright reds of Van Herp’s Resurrection. With vibrant brushstrokes Van Herp paints Christ hovering in the sky, accompanied by the banner fluttering around a slender cross, signifying his victory over death, amid the awe and amazement of some soldiers, literally open-mouthed, and the bewilderment of others, asleep.

Archpriest Don Ambrogio Cortesi says: "We have just concluded, to the great surprise and satisfaction of visitors, the ’Christmas’ exhibition of a Venetian-Cretan Adoration of the Magi, received on loan for a short period. Now the Collegiate Museum is offering everyone an ’Easter’ meditation, inviting them to pause over a work we own, which had never received proper attention in the past. I am particularly grateful to Dr. Laura Marazzi for her unceasing work to enhance the local artistic heritage, and for her great ability to educate the community’s gaze, through ever new discoveries and insights."

A presentation of the restoration will be held on Friday, February 24 at 4:30 pm. It will be attended by Benedetta Chiesi of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio, which, together with Sonia Segimiro, directed the restoration in agreement with the Cultural Heritage Office of the Diocese of Milan. The intervention, sponsored by the Beata Vergine del Rosario Parish, was carried out by restorer Sonia Bozzini, who will talk about the essential stages of her work. Laura Marazzi, conservator of the Museum, will illustrate the work and its author, explaining the reasons for the new attribution. The appointment, with free admission, is at the Nuova Scolastica of the Museo della Collegiata (Via Cardinal Branda 1). The Resurrection will remain on display, in a special arrangement, until May 1, 2023.

Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sunday and holidays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday open by appointment for groups. Monday closed. Last admission half an hour before closing.

La Resurrezione di Van Herp dopo il restauro
Van Herp’s Resurrection after restoration
Un dettaglio del dipinto dopo il restauro
A detail of the painting after restoration
La Resurrezione di Van Herp prima del restauro
Van Herp’s Resurrection before restoration

An unpublished work by Willem van Herp recognized at the Museum of the Collegiate Church of Castiglione Olona
An unpublished work by Willem van Herp recognized at the Museum of the Collegiate Church of Castiglione Olona

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