A 15th-century fresco in Rocchetta Cairo restored in Liguria

A 15th-century Ligurian fresco revives after complex restoration work. Intervention on paintings in the church of San Martino in Rocchetta Cairo concluded.

A 15th-century Ligurian fresco has been revived after a complex restoration project. On Tuesday, July 23, in fact, the restoration of the paintings depicting the Madonna Enthroned and St. Anthony Abbot, located on a side wall of the church of San Martino in Rocchetta Cairo, a village of 800 inhabitants in the hinterland of Savona, was completed. The work, carried out under the direct administration of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Imperia and Savona, was carried out under the supervision of Conservator-Restoration Officer Martina Avogadro.

The restoration involved a series of essential operations: disinfection, depth and surface consolidation, cleaning, plastering and color reinstatement. The wall paintings, which can be dated to the first half of the 15th century and can be attributed to two different artists, were severely compromised by a biological attack that impaired their legibility and altered their original preparations and colors.

During the restoration, additional stratigraphic assays and cleaning tests were carried out on all the walls of the church in an attempt to uncover any paintings hidden under the plaster, but without positive results.

This intervention is part of the institutional activities of the Superintendency, which continues its efforts to safeguard the local cultural heritage. With its own resources, the Superintendency is not only dedicated to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, but also works to enhance it and raise community awareness of caring for heritage and cultural identity.

The frescoes before restoration
The frescoes before restoration
The frescoes after restoration
The frescoes after restoration

A 15th-century fresco in Rocchetta Cairo restored in Liguria
A 15th-century fresco in Rocchetta Cairo restored in Liguria

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