There was a time in the history of Italy when putting up a Christmas tree was a custom looked upon with suspicion: it was the 1930s, and Fascism was concerned with discouraging what is perhaps today the most beloved Christmas decoration, on the groun...
It is an episode in the history of the Renaissance perhaps not known to many, but certainly the Battle of Polesella can be counted among the most singular ones, and not only because in the aftermath of this Ferrara military feat, events ensued that l...
The Museo Nazionale di San Matteo in Pisa holds a very special record: it is the only museum in the world where, in the same building, it is possible to see a work by Donatello and a work by Masaccio, that is, by the father of Renaissance sculpture a...
Art historian Lucio Scardino, in his 1999 survey of art collections in Ferrara in the 20th century, wrote that the most important among Ferrara's collectors of modern art at the turn of the century was "undoubtedly," as he took care to point out, Cou...
CouldItaly demand from France the return of all the works requisitioned during the Napoleonic spoliations that did not come back after the fall of Napoleon and that are still kept in French museums? This is a question that is often asked when one he...
The saint is above a cloud, borne in flight by a swarm of angels, moving over a sky that illusionistically breaks through the vault of the church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the heart of Rome: in front of him Jesus with the cross, in the corners th...
Theestablished artist and the rampant young millionaire. A figure who was already marking the history of art and one who would mark the history of finance and politics. A brief encounter, probably of little significance to either, but one that certai...
Dosso Dossi had a boundless imagination: his whimsical, versatile, ingenious, imaginative flair is among the most celebrated in the history of art, and few in his era could come close to his visionary imagination. A myth, a literary text, a biblical ...