Who is Luca Pietro Nicoletti

All the articles by Luca Pietro Nicoletti on Finestre sull'Arte

Note on Pino Pascali at the Prada Foundation

Note on Pino Pascali at the Prada Foundation

One of the most beautiful photographs of Pino Pascali was taken by Andrea Taverna in the artist's Roman studio in 1968: it depicts him as a rural shaman, dressed in raffia costumes and other objects. In fact, however, at its highest points, that shoo...
Notes on Valerio Adami. In the margins of the exhibition on the Royal Palace in Milan

Notes on Valerio Adami. In the margins of the exhibition on the Royal Palace in Milan

"To draw well," Valerio Adami asserted, "one needs broad gestures, I would say the style of a tennis player... ". On several occasions during his long career, he in fact argued for the primacy of drawing in his creative research: it is here - as atte...
The first two decades of sculpture at the Venice Biennale

The first two decades of sculpture at the Venice Biennale

For more than a decade Cristina Beltrami, like many scholars gravitating to the lagoon, has been concerned with the history of the Venice Biennale, focusing her attention on the complex and not always linear relationship of the first editions with co...

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