Who is Federica Schneck

Federica Schneck
Federica Schneck, classe 1996, è curatrice indipendente e social media manager. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea magistrale in storia dell’arte contemporanea presso l’Università di Pisa, ha inoltre conseguito numerosi corsi certificati concentrati sul mercato dell’arte, il marketing e le innovazioni digitali in campo culturale ed artistico. Lavora come curatrice, spaziando dalle gallerie e le collezioni private fino ad arrivare alle fiere d’arte, e la sua carriera si concentra sulla scoperta e la promozione di straordinari artisti emergenti e sulla creazione di esperienze artistiche significative per il pubblico, attraverso la narrazione di storie uniche.

All the articles by Federica Schneck on Finestre sull'Arte

The decline of NFTs. Art or financial speculation?

The decline of NFTs. Art or financial speculation?

In recent years, the Non-Fungible Token ( NFT ) phenomenon has rocked the art world like a bolt from the blue, bringing with it promises of revolution, democratization, and new creative frontiers. Today, however, we find ourselves reflecting on the r...
Those artists who work with obsolete technologies, from old video games to the cathode ray tube

Those artists who work with obsolete technologies, from old video games to the cathode ray tube

Art has always had an ambivalent relationship with technology. On the one hand, it has embraced it as a tool to expand its language; on the other, it has questioned it, problematizing its effects on our living and thinking. In this dialectic, some co...
If an archive becomes a video game, a digital journey into a dream: the Enzo Cucchi Archive

If an archive becomes a video game, a digital journey into a dream: the Enzo Cucchi Archive

When we think of an archive, the image that looms before our eyes is that of an orderly, quiet place filled with shelves and catalogs. A static place, designed to preserve and hand down. Cuccchi, Enzo Cucchi's digital archive, on the other hand, is t...
What is happening to the art market? A phenomenon that can be called "polarization"

What is happening to the art market? A phenomenon that can be called "polarization"

There is a paradox running through the contemporary art market, a dichotomy that pulses like a raw nerve between international fairs and small ateliers, between million-dollar auctions and neighborhood exhibitions. It is growing polarization-a phenom...
If a robot makes a work (sold for a million dollars): is it really art?

If a robot makes a work (sold for a million dollars): is it really art?

The moment Ai-Da Robot accomplished the feat of making a work of art, a work(Portrait of Alan Turing) that managed to sell for more than $1 million, we were immediately confronted with one of the most daring manifestations of our time. But to what ex...
The art of Trenton Doyle Hancock: a mixture of mythology, pop culture, religion, psychology

The art of Trenton Doyle Hancock: a mixture of mythology, pop culture, religion, psychology

What happens when we mix mythology, pop culture, religion, and psychology into a single artistic vision? What does his art tell us about us, our struggles, our inner transformations? If we stop to think, that is precisely the starting point of the wo...
The Lilac Room: an immersive masterpiece by ERK14 at the latest edition of ArtVerona

The Lilac Room: an immersive masterpiece by ERK14 at the latest edition of ArtVerona

In the world ofcontemporary art, where the boundaries between real and virtual are becoming increasingly blurred, The Lilac Room, the new project by artist ERK14, curated by Raffaella A. Caruso and presented in collaboration with Eidos Gallery on the...
Roberto Cuoghi's art, a challenge to staticity

Roberto Cuoghi's art, a challenge to staticity

Contemporary art, by its very nature, is a terrain of constant experimentation and redefinition of the boundaries of self and creativity. Few artists have been able to explore these boundaries with the intensity and radicality of Roberto Cuoghi, a ma...

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