Giornalista. Amante della politica (militante), si interessa dei fenomeni generati dal turismo, dell’arte e della poesia. “Tutta la vita è teatro”.
A total of 26,700 applications were submitted in four weeks (the deadline was Feb. 27) to take theexamination for the national license to practice as a tourist guide. An average of 953 per day, an astronomical number when one considers that there are...
Since last February 15 firmly in first place among the most viewed movies on Netflix Italy is an American production about Tuscany filmed in Val d'Orcia, iconic places of this region that has its heart in thisUnesco World Heritage Site (for its lands...
Sicily is not only a set for Il Commissario Montalbano, but a co-star with its history, art, architecture and iconic scenery. The transposition of Andrea Camilleri 's novels to the small screen has led to the vivification of that land made up of a m...
How much of the spiritual value of traveling to Rome in devout pilgrimage can be transformed into carefree tourism and still retain its value? How much is it estimable to speak of 'tourism' by associating it with the penitential journey to be underta...
Ryanair against the government: 'Take an example from Calabria'. Yes, it's not artificial intelligence fake news: the airline pioneer of low-cost flights has lashed out at Giorgia Meloni's government over an article contained in the Budget Maneuver ...
Gladiator II, a historical film? No, pure science fiction. Released in Italy on Nov. 14, The Gladiator II, the sequel to the film that gave international notoriety to Russell Crowe, his "On my signal all hell breaks loose" having entered the common p...
"Keep tourism among the priorities of national and international political agendas": this is the unprecedented passage contained in the final document signed by representatives of the G7 countries at the summit held in Florence Nov. 13-15. Long consi...
But of all the artists in its millennial history, did the Catholic Church really need a Japanese cartoon-style design to make the Jubilee 'mascot'? The unsettling choice (there are even those who wonder if there was a need to have a 'mascot,' like fo...