Who is Mauro Minardi

All the articles by Mauro Minardi on Finestre sull'Arte

Paolo Uccello's "gran et bel facto darme". The Battle of San Romano

Paolo Uccello's "gran et bel facto darme". The Battle of San Romano

San Romano, June 1, 1432. In this plain, between Montopoli and Pontedera, took place the gran et bel facto darme, in the words of the chronicler Guerriero da Gubbio, which did not have a decisive effect in the war that had been opposing F...
Giovanni dal Ponte, musician angels and musical allegories

Giovanni dal Ponte, musician angels and musical allegories

Between the end of the fourteenth century and the first decades of the century to come, Florentine painting was filled with graceful, mostly angelic, musician figures. From Agnolo Gaddi to Gherardo Starnina, from Lorenzo Monaco to Fra' Angeli...

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