Who is Cinzia Compalati

All the articles by Cinzia Compalati on Finestre sull'Arte

At the home of Fabio and Virginia Gori, where all elements are works of art

At the home of Fabio and Virginia Gori, where all elements are works of art

A lived-in house, an omnivorous collection, and a sense of welcome that hangs in the air. If it is true that conceptual art will have reached its zenith when it is possible to rent an artist and keep him or her with you for a while, at Fabio and Vi...
In Bologna, Aldo Giannotti's solo exhibition "Safe and Sound" subverts the concept of a museum

In Bologna, Aldo Giannotti's solo exhibition "Safe and Sound" subverts the concept of a museum

Safe and Sound at MAMbo in Bologna is not so much an exhibition as a statement of intent. The one I tell you about is just one of the possible exhibitions to visit because there is more to becoming, acting, and interacting than what is on dis...

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