Who is Anna de Fazio Siciliano

All the articles by Anna de Fazio Siciliano on Finestre sull'Arte

The art of Leonor Fini, sorceress and female icon

The art of Leonor Fini, sorceress and female icon

Sorceress, shaman, female icon, Leonor Fini (Buenos Aires, 1907 - Paris, 1996), with her seductive and disturbing works, has "frightened" respecters of all ages, reopening questions that remain unresolved even today. An unclassifiable woman and artis...
When art studies melting glaciers. Roberto Ghezzi's work in Greenland.

When art studies melting glaciers. Roberto Ghezzi's work in Greenland.

It is now clear: environmental sustainability is also decisive in museums and in the framework of artistic-cultural projects. Both with the ratification of the Faro Convention by the Italian government(September 2020) in which new perspectiv...
Once upon a time, Zungri, the stone town in Calabria.

Once upon a time, Zungri, the stone town in Calabria.

Among narrow, slippery streets carved into the rock, clumsy cliffs overlooking a skyless horizon, in southern Italy, there is a "stone town," Zungri, pulled up mostly by natural caves of varying size, which still holds too many secrets. Ma...
Palazzo Madama, Turin: a visit with new director Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa

Palazzo Madama, Turin: a visit with new director Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa

Welcome to Palazzo Madama. Welcome dreams. We are in Turin, in what Guido Gozzano called the "House of Centuries," a place of strategic importance for the history of Italy and which will be directed for four years by Giovanni Carlo Federico V...
The silk road in Calabria: to San Floro, where worms are bred and silk is spun

The silk road in Calabria: to San Floro, where worms are bred and silk is spun

"Although his father had imagined for him a brilliant future in the army, Hervé Joncour had ended up earning a living from an unusual trade [...]. For a living, Hervé Joncour bought and sold silkworms" (Alessandro Baricco, Silk)...
Jenny Saville's earthly and Dantean journey in Florence

Jenny Saville's earthly and Dantean journey in Florence

For some time now, the city of Florence has once again become crucial in the debate on the contemporary, and since September 2021 it has also become the beating heart of former Young British Artist Jenny Saville's Comedy, a Dantean yet earthl...
Sibari Park, an opportunity for Calabria. With interview with director Filippo Demma

Sibari Park, an opportunity for Calabria. With interview with director Filippo Demma

In spite of its history, always narrated as studded with inauspicious events, Calabria can be redeemed starting from its own "ruins." Not only the archaeological ones, which are also immense, but also through a less stereotyped narrative and,...
Still lifes inside garages: the Garage Stills of Jacquie Maria Wessels

Still lifes inside garages: the Garage Stills of Jacquie Maria Wessels

Garage Stills, on display (curated by Marina Guida) through Jan. 13, 2022 at PAN Naples, is a photographic operation sprung from the hands of Jacquie Maria Wessels (Vlaardingen, 1959). The artist, Dutch by birth, has uncovered details, memories, ...

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