Chi è Francesca Della Ventura

Ha studiato storia dell'arte (triennale, magistrale e scuola di specializzazione) in Italia e ha lavorato per alcuni anni come curatrice freelancer e collaboratrice presso il Dipartimento dei Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici del Molise (2012-2014). Dal 2014 risiede in Germania dove ha collaborato con diverse gallerie d'arte e istituzioni culturali tra Colonia e Düsselorf. Dallo stesso anno svolge un dottorato di ricerca in storia dell'arte contemporanea all'Università di Colonia con una tesi sul ritorno all'arte figurativa negli anni Ottanta in Germania e Italia. Nel 2018 è stata ricercatrice presso l'Universidad Autonoma di Madrid. Ha scritto sull'identità tedesca e italiana nell'arte contemporanea e nella politica, sul cinema tedesco e italiano del dopoguerra e grazie a diverse borse di studio D.A.A.D. ha presentato la sua ricerca a livello internazionale. Attualmente i suoi temi di ricerca riguardano l’arte degli anni Ottanta, in particolar modo quella femminista. Dal 2020 è entrata a far parte del gruppo di ricerca dell’Universitá di Bonn “Contemporary Asymmetrical Dependencies” con un progetto di ricerca sulla costruzione dei nuovi musei e delle condizioni di dipendenza asimmetrica dei lavoratori migranti nell’isola di Saadyat ad Abu Dhabi. Nell'ottobre 2020 ha fondato inWomen.Gallery, galleria online, sostenibile e per artiste. Dal 2017 lavora come giornalista d'arte per la rivista online e cartacea Finestre sull'Arte.

Francesca Della Ventura

All the articles by Francesca Della Ventura on Finestre sull'Arte

Thomas Schüpping and the quest for pure aesthetics. Aboard his caravan

Thomas Schüpping and the quest for pure aesthetics. Aboard his caravan

Zzyzx is the title of a catalog of photographs by German artist Thomas Schüpping, who was born in 1964 in Andernach, a small town in North Rhein Westfalen, not far from Cologne, the hometown (as Schüpping himself is keen to point out) of Am...
Mondrian-Evolution: on display the evolution of Piet Mondrian's pictorial language

Mondrian-Evolution: on display the evolution of Piet Mondrian's pictorial language

It is difficult for the title of an art exhibition to instantly succeed in telling the visitor the thematic narrative suggested by the works on display. In the case of Mondrian-Evolution, currently at the Kunstsammlung Nord-Rhein Westfalen in Dü...
Sergio Racanati, only Italian at Documenta, speaks. With my works I challenge linear fiction

Sergio Racanati, only Italian at Documenta, speaks. With my works I challenge linear fiction

Sergio Racanati (Bisceglie, 1982) is an artist from Puglia who has made performance and film practices his privileged means of expression. He has already received several international awards, including his most recent participation in the public pro...
Documenta 15 and the Historikerstreit 2.0. Chronicle of a diatribe announced

Documenta 15 and the Historikerstreit 2.0. Chronicle of a diatribe announced

For those unfamiliar with it, Kassel is a German city in the heart of Hesse, difficult to reach by public transportation, and where rarely anything interesting happens. Even tourist facilities are almost absent: hotels, public baths, restaurants can ...
Marina Abramović. Destroying to break down fears

Marina Abramović. Destroying to break down fears

"Anyway, on this planet there is always a war somewhere, and I wanted to create a universal image that referred to war in general": these words by the artist Marina Abramović, contained in her autobiography Crossing the Walls, publish...
Lart strategist, a new professional figure between art and digital marketing

Lart strategist, a new professional figure between art and digital marketing

The problem of unemployment in the cultural sector is a real issue that affects (and afflicts) several recent graduates (and not) of academic courses in archaeology, art history, cultural heritage management, and cultural heritage economics. ...
Fashion and art. A debate still open?

Fashion and art. A debate still open?

Throughout the twentieth century, one of the great merits of fashion (and fashion photography) has been that it has played a key role in popularizing art, helping to disseminate artistic motifs to social groups that were more unlikely to be in co...
Why are there very strict restrictions on museums and libraries in Germany?

Why are there very strict restrictions on museums and libraries in Germany?

The news had already been circulating for a few days: in Cologne, one of Germany's most culturally vibrant cities, the number of coronavirus positives is steadily increasing and people are beginning to speak fearfully of a third pandemic wave...

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