Who is Vincenzo Sorrentino

Nato a Napoli nel 1990, si è laureato a Pisa in Storia dell’arte nel 2014 e si è addottorato a Firenze nel 2018, all’interno del programma “Pegaso” in cui sono consorziate le Università toscane. Ha svolto un internship di sei mesi nel dipartimento di scultura della National Gallery of Art di Washington D.C. e da gennaio 2019 è iscritto alla Scuola di Specializzazione in beni storico artistici dell’Università di Firenze.

All the articles by Vincenzo Sorrentino on Finestre sull'Arte

Out of exhibition: the Resurrection of Christ by Verrocchio, from Careggi to the second floor of the Bargello Museum

Out of exhibition: the Resurrection of Christ by Verrocchio, from Careggi to the second floor of the Bargello Museum

For Eleonora Luciano, in memoriam. "One of the most astonishing sculptures of the Florentine second half of the 15th century" (Caglioti in Florence 1992, p. 171), the Resurrection of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio (Florence, 1435 - Venice, 1488) ...
From Rubens to Ribera, here is the grand return of the Vandeneynden collection to Naples

From Rubens to Ribera, here is the grand return of the Vandeneynden collection to Naples

The exhibition Rubens Van Dyck Ribera. The Collection of a Prince, hosted on the second floor of Palazzo Zevallos di Stigliano, home of the Naples "branch" of the Gallerie d'Italia, opened to the public on December 6, 2018. The exhibition aims to...
Della Robbia in stars and stripes

Della Robbia in stars and stripes

It closed on December 4, the exhibition Della Robbia. Sculpting with Color in Renaissance Florence, curated by Marietta Cambareri, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. It will reopen Feb. 5 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., where it ...
Deeper into the Baroque: the New York exhibition on Valentin de Boulogne

Deeper into the Baroque: the New York exhibition on Valentin de Boulogne

A young man with black curls falling over his forehead and a half-closed mouth sits pensively in the shadows, his lost gaze turned to the left of the painting. He wears a flake armor of deep blue and is wrapped in a rich crimson tunic. His right ...

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