Chi è Federico Giannini

Federico Giannini è giornalista, direttore responsabile di Finestre sull'Arte. Nato a Massa nel 1986, si è laureato nel 2010 in Informatica Umanistica all’Università di Pisa. Nel 2009 ha iniziato a lavorare nel settore della comunicazione su web, con particolare riferimento alla comunicazione per i beni culturali. Iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti dal 2017, specializzato in arte e storia dell’arte. Nel 2017 ha fondato con Ilaria Baratta la rivista Finestre sull’Arte, iscritta al registro della stampa del Tribunale di Massa dal giugno 2017. Dalla fondazione è direttore responsabile della rivista. Collabora e ha collaborato con diverse riviste, tra cui Art e Dossier e Left, e per la televisione è stato autore del documentario Le mani dell’arte (Rai 5) ed è stato tra i presentatori del programma Dorian – L’arte non invecchia (Rai 5). Ha esperienza come docente per la formazione professionale continua dell’Ordine e ha partecipato come relatore e moderatore su temi di arte e cultura a numerosi convegni (tra gli altri: Lu.Bec. Lucca Beni Culturali, Ro.Me Exhibition, Con-Vivere Festival, TTG Travel Experience).

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Federico Giannini

All the articles by Federico Giannini on Finestre sull'Arte

If the machine is an instrument of poetry. What the Jean Tinguely exhibition in Milan looks like.

If the machine is an instrument of poetry. What the Jean Tinguely exhibition in Milan looks like.

Jean Tinguely returns to Milan seventy years after the first time and forty-four after he chose it to declare Nouveau Réalisme dead, on the tenth anniversary of its founding, that is, the time when all the artists of the movement gathered in M...
Berthe Morisot, the "dissident of the fairer sex" on Italian debut: what the Genoa and Turin exhibitions look like

Berthe Morisot, the "dissident of the fairer sex" on Italian debut: what the Genoa and Turin exhibitions look like

Those who want to see Berthe Morisot's work from life this fall are forced to split their time between two venues within a couple of hours of each other: GAM in Turin and Palazzo Ducale in Genoa are hosting two exhibitions, both independent, to prese...
An intense journey among the great and forgotten of the 16th century in Ferrara. What the exhibition at the Palazzo dei Diamanti looks like

An intense journey among the great and forgotten of the 16th century in Ferrara. What the exhibition at the Palazzo dei Diamanti looks like

If we were to accompany Jacob Burckhardt on his visits to the galleries of Rome and listen to him as he pauses to describe the pieces that most and best captured his interest, we would most likely derive sharp adjectives from them, suitable for defin...
What was the really dark part of Giuli's speech.

What was the really dark part of Giuli's speech.

No: the least clear part of the speech that Minister Alexander Giuli gave in the House last Oct. 8 to outline his policies was not the "somewhat more theoretical" introduction, it wasn't that preamble about "defensive apocalypticism" and the "global ...
Sumptuous and cloistered. The Castle of Moncalieri

Sumptuous and cloistered. The Castle of Moncalieri

A half-meter hole in the woodwork, plaster surfacing under the wood, the jambs blackened by the marks of the flames that rise and engulf, engulf, devastate. Restorers wanted to leave clearly visible, in the room that precedes Victor Emmanuel II's dre...
Artissima? Boring as hell. In Turin this year it was better to enjoy the sunshine

Artissima? Boring as hell. In Turin this year it was better to enjoy the sunshine

Unseasonable warmth, clear skies, twenty-one degrees Celsius in an unrecognizable late-October Turin, a full week of high pressure from Monday to Sunday and perhaps beyond that guarantees constant, determined, present, casual sunshine to make the cit...
Actuality and inactuality of flags. Luca Bertolo and Flavio Favelli in Castelnuovo Magra

Actuality and inactuality of flags. Luca Bertolo and Flavio Favelli in Castelnuovo Magra

A white flag flies listlessly amidst the vines, hoisted on a flagpole guarded from above, from the tower of the Castle of the Bishops of Luni that gazes down on the village of Castelnuovo Magra and keeps an eye on those who flutter down on the plain ...
Picasso was also a migrant. What the Milan exhibition looks like

Picasso was also a migrant. What the Milan exhibition looks like

The story of the Demoiselles d'Avignon, which is among the founding masterpieces of twentieth-century art, can be taken as a very eloquent example of the damage that, in the field of the arts, can be caused by the most boorish, most obtuse, most reac...

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